Birth Screams of Angels
by Tim Mulcahy on Apr.13, 2010, under Where I am
Another short story that I have written appears to have found a home. “Birth Screams of Angels,” originally published in M-Brane Magazine will be included in Drollerie Presses upcoming science fiction anthology.
Excerpt from Vampire Lounge
by Tim Mulcahy on Nov.20, 2009, under Horror
I turned just in time to notice Angela pulling a razor blade out of her purse. She looked at me and smiled as she made a small incision just above her left breast.
“Care to take a lick?” she asked.
“Not while I’m working,” I said. I handed Walter his beer. I noticed the blood start to drip along the cut down into Angela’s cleavage as the happy couple made their way to one of the curtained areas.
I didn’t know the next couple or the next. They ignored me and headed for the curtains.
The next pair totally creeped me. Like most of the people that came in, the woman in the business suit was pale, not a tan-line to be seen. Then I saw who she was with. It was none other than Catherine Higgins. I knew right off that she didn’t fit.
First of all, she had a tan. Second, she was on something and was staggering all over the place. The chick in the business suit kept having to hold her up. Third—and this was a dead give away—she was the Dean of Student’s daughter. Little Catherine couldn’t have been more than sixteen.
Things got busy, even behind the bar. After a while, Reed came out of his office to look things over. He smiled. It was a good crowd. I had no idea there were so many blood lickers in this small college town. I lost track of little Catherine and her escort.
It was another forty-five minutes before things slowed down. I decided to take a break and get some air. The brunette in the business suit came out of one of the booths as I walked by and bumped into me. Her body was hard and oddly cold.
“Excuse me,” I said. She didn’t say anything. Instead she ran up the stairs and out the door past Trixie.
I looked up the staircase. Trixie looked down and shrugged her shoulders. “Fuck it,” I thought and went up to take my break.
Ten minutes later I came back. Trixie was gone and the door was open. The place was empty but the lights were still on.
“Trixie?” I called as a walked down the stairs.
“Shit,” I said. I looked at my cut index finger, then at the banister. There was a loose splinter. Just what I need, I thought. As I passed one of the stalls I saw a pool of blood forming under the couch.
“You okay in there?” I asked. No answer. I waited another couple seconds. “You okay?” Still nothing.
I thought about calling Reed but I didn’t want to look like an asshole if it was nothing. “Okay, coming in,” I said.
It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. When they did, I saw the Dean’s daughter face down, her blood saturating a pillow and dripping off the couch.
Drollerie Issues Press Release About “Bump”
by Tim Mulcahy on Nov.20, 2009, under Where I am
NewswireToday - /newswire/ - Cleveland, OH, United States, 11/20/2009 - Two Drollerie Press titles, “Scars on the Face of God” by C. G. Bauer, and the anthology “Vampires, Zombies, Ghosts, and Other Things That Go Bump in the Night” have been named finalists in EPIC competition. |
Drollerie Press, LLC, an indie e- and print publisher of speculative fiction, is proud to announce that two of its titles: “Vampires, Zombies, Ghosts and Other Things That Go Bump in the Night” a horror anthology edited by Deena Fisher, and “Scars on the Face of God: The Devil’s Bible,” by Chris Bauer have been named finalists for the 2010 EPIC awards in the categories of best Anthology Fiction and Contributors and best Horror Fiction. “Vampires” collects short stories by a variety of new and previously published authors, around three stories by Tim Mulcahy, a new author whose writing is described by one reviewer as, “real-people dialogue, fast and sharp and grounded in the moment.” “Scars on the Face of God” is an anti-christ novel with a twist, described by reviewers as “intriguing,” a “vivid story”, “well-written and thought provoking” and describes C. G. Bauer as “an author to watch out for.” Both books are currently available in all major ebook formats, and “Scars” will soon be available in trade paperback. EPIC (, the Electronically Published Internet Connection, is a professional organization for published e-book and print authors, established to provide a strong voice for electronic publishing. The EPIC awards are given annually to recognize outstanding achievement in e-publishing. Winners will be announced at EPIC’s annual convention to be held from March, 4-7, 2010 in New Orleans. When advised that the books were finalists Ms. Fisher said: “As a relatively new publisher in a young and growing media, I am particularly gratified that EPIC has chosen two of our titles for final consideration. These are both books I’m particularly proud of for the quality of the writing and the compelling stories they contain.” In addition to being the editor for “Vampires, Zombies, Ghosts and Other Things,” Deena Fisher is Creative Director and Founder of Drollerie Press. Founded in 2007, Drollerie Press ( publishes transformative fiction in electronic book, audio, and print. Its books can be found online, in books stores, and through print and electronic book distribution channels. |
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Bump in the Night Nominated for Epic
by Tim Mulcahy on Nov.16, 2009, under Where I am
I just learned that the Horror Anthology: “Bump in the Night” has been nominated for an Epic Award for best fiction anthology. EPIC, the Electronically Published Internet Connection, is a professional organization for published and contracted e-book and print authors. It was established to provide a strong voice for electronic publishing. Every year they give awards in various e-book categories, including one for best e-book anthology.
“Bump in the Night” contains three of my short stories. “Monday Night at the Vampire Lounge,” “Thursday Night at the Zombie Bordello,” and “Wednesday Night at the Haunted Inn.”
Meet me at Context 22
by Tim Mulcahy on Aug.26, 2009, under Where I am
I will be at Context 22 in Columbus, Ohio this weekend. This is a literary oriented speculative fiction convention. I will be participating on four panels relating to writing fantasy, vampires and science fiction.
Panels include:
FRI 8:00 PM Buckeye 2 Writing Fantasy
A discussion of the approaches, content, and presentations in this genre
Leader Mulcahy Sandridge Chima Morgan
SAT 10:00 AM German Village Improv for Writers WORKSHOP Klages
SAT 10:00 AM Buckeye 2 Humor to Horror
Humor can be very important in fiction – if it doesn’t interrupt the tale, and R. L. Stine says, “There is a close relationship between humor and
horror”. Discussion panel.
Hall Betts Schwamberger Mulcahy Verrico Snyder
SAT 6:00 PM Buckeye 1 Putting the Science in Science Fiction
There are character driven stories, there are environment driven stories, but how right does the science have to be – and why?
Sanford Sandridge D’Ambrosio Mulcahy Asaro Creek
SUN 1:00 PM Buckeye 2 Writing Vampires Today
Are sympathetic vampires a good idea? What is the sea change that recent authors have brought to us in modern vampires?
Laurey Mulcahy Robertson Verrico
Stop by and say hello!